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9. Coaches Guidance

Coaches Guidance

Welcome one and all.......
So you would like to help out huh?
The good news is that we are always looking for help in any and all ways.
Many opportunities exist, from coaching staff - Assistant Coaches to Team Managers, First Aiders, School Liaison and fund raisers. You can start off slowly or you can dive in head first, the choice is yours!
John Clery is a good contact initially, he can guide you and introduce you to all things HORSHAM - or speak to any club member who can make an introduction.
Listed below are our ideal coaching steps, however, we do not wish to put anyone off from volunteering, helping out or taking part, so your First Step is to engage with club members. Steps are not written in stone and ARE interchangeable, so please don’t be frightened - take that first step!

Welcome to Coaches Corner.
This will be your one stop shop for all your coaching needs, anything from questions to courses and any support that you may need in order to help you become a successful coach, in any aspect of your coaching journey that you would like.
Whether that is permanently coaching Under 7s or perhaps you have an ambition to coach professionally!
Your journey should be above all, enjoyable and coaches corner is the Horsham Club’s resource for YOU.

1. CRB ( now known as DBS) – Whilst it is not club policy at this point, as the first step along your coaching career, the Horsham’s Head of Coaching John Clery and our Child Protection Officer Helen Mellor, strongly recommend that you consider this as the first step in protecting both yourself and the Club’s most valuable resource – The Players! Provide Helen with a passport, driving licence and a current utility bill, all at the same address along with a current email address. You will then receive an email which will enable you to submit the requisite details and within 14 days you should receive your DBS certificate.
2. Horsham – If at this point if you have not already joined the Horsham website, then again we heartily recommend you do so. This resource can be used to administrate your teams, selections, emails, match and training details, even post Match Reports.
3. IRB – Register with the IRB website and complete your Rugby Ready and IRB Laws tests. There are various other IRB courses available in all aspects of the game and will help you with future RFU courses.
4. RFU – Join the RFU website so that you get continuous updates on laws and developments within the game, as well as registering for courses and CPD modules.
5. Coach – Ok, now you are a qualified coach and you are coaching or helping to coach a team (You may have been doing so previously but don’t worry that’s ok, it’s just that now you are all Official) and you have responsibilities! Whilst the team(s) is in your charge they are YOUR responsibility. Never forget that! Here are some hints and tips on what you may need to successfully and safely, look after your charges.
We are all volunteers but we must take it seriously!

(a) Take a register at every training and game that takes place
(b) Do not allow your charges to leave without permission and they should NOT be hanging about on their own waiting to be picked up
(c) Always have a First Aid kit available
(d) Use 112 in an emergency not 999 as they can pinpoint your whereabouts with mobile technology (999 if on autopilot)
(e) Always have a phone available
(f) Have emergency contact information for all parties present
(g) Have an emergency plan available
(h) Ensure you have regular water breaks
(i) Ensure that players only take part if they have the relevant safety equipment (Boots, Head guards, Gum shields etc.)
(j) Check playing/training area before commencing for any hazards

6. Do not allow your team members to play or train if not insured, this means that they must be registered with the Club and RFU.